musica diabolus
Sunday, May 31, 2015
"15 Worst Responses To Revealing You Are A Metalhead
15 Worst Responses To Revealing You Are A Metalhead
Metal Injection by Robert Pasbani
"Doesn’t that music just give you a headache?"
Thursday, May 28, 2015
"Metal Bassist Among Bikers Jailed In Recent Texas Shootings
Metal Bassist Among Bikers Jailed In Recent Texas Shootings
Metal Injection by Greg Kennelty
Ugh, here's hoping the national media doesn't paint this as another "metal is violent" thing.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
"15 More Metal Collaborations That Ruled
15 More Metal Collaborations That Ruled
Metal Injection by James Alvarez /
Metal Injection previously highlighted 10 Great Metal Collaborations That Worked...
"Heavy Metal band-name generator
Heavy Metal band-name generator
Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow
The internet’s official heavy metal band name generator
: pretty good names, with a brilliant presentation. What webfonts are for! (
Thanks, Eirik!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
The Title of the New SLAYER Record Is…
And The Title of the New SLAYER Record Is…
Metal Injection by Robert Pasbani
Can we start placing bets on how many reviewers will eventually use the following line to describe the record: "Slayer's
is absolutely relentless" or some other poor play on words?
Friday, May 22, 2015
"Florida Doom Metal Fan Turns Himself In After "Murdering His Imaginary Friend"
Florida Doom Metal Fan Turns Himself In After "Murdering His Imaginary Friend"
Metal Injection by Robert Pasbani
You can't make this stuff up.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
"H.R. GIGER Documentary Film Opens Next Week
H.R. GIGER Documentary Film Opens Next Week
Metal Injection by Frank Injection
The most celebrated painter in metal music is finally on the big screen.
"Motley Crue proud of band's legacy
Motley Crue proud of band's legacy
Metal Hammer
Motley Crue frontman Vince Neil says he’s proud of the band’s legacy.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
"BEHEMOTH Announce Their Own New Belgian IPA Beer
BEHEMOTH Announce Their Own New Belgian IPA Beer
Metal Injection by Greg Kennelty
It's not called Beerhemoth, so don't get your hopes up.
"One Study Shows That People Stop Listening To New Music At Age 33
One Study Shows That People Stop Listening To New Music At Age 33
Metal Injection by Greg Kennelty /
I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on this one for the metal genre.
Monday, May 11, 2015
"Metallica win loudness war.. but it doesn’t matter
Metallica win loudness war.. but it doesn’t matter
Metal Hammer
Metallica album Death Magnetic has been named the loudest-ever by a mastering expert.
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