A week or so ago we posed a question to Metal Hammer readers – who is the greatest bassist of all time? And in your thousands you voted. But there was one clear winner...
Venom frontman Cronos says the band will continue to give fans what they want – more leather than Priest, heavier tunes than Motorhead and more satanism than Sabbath.
Manly Men Metal - Texas and Whiskey. There's nothing else you'll ever need.
Douchebraincore - All I do is rage it, blaze it, suck it, fuck it, take a hit. Hater's keep on hatin cause they know that I be killin it. I don't give a shit about the things they say to bring me down. Hell yeah!
Don't Drop The Soap Metal - ??????? (but be afraid)
#illuminati nwo metal - Oh look inside yourself, the mechanics of a machine. We are not human beings. Illuminati confirmed.
Bebop Gibberish Slime Groove - Wokty flip zaborganof. Eat some more stroganoff. Potato peels on my heels.
Lose your voice core - ..............
Every For Today song core - And so we fight the oppression, in all of our songs. We will always stand and fight. Rise up. Here comes the breakdown.
Shrieking Eel metal - I sound like a dying pterodactyl.
Blood splattered cadaver metal - shredded wheat?? ^(` ( o o ) ' )^
Progressive Narrative Djent Core - Something about toast
Two visual vanguards of the extreme metal world, artist Zbigniew M Bielak and photographer Ester Segarra are joining forces for a genuinely underground event on Sunday January 18, as they host a free exhibition at London’s eerie Crypt Gallery, beneath St Pancras Parish Church on Euston Road, and just opposite Euston train station.
A South African metal festival featuring Cannibal Corpse and Hatebreed has had to switch venues – supposedly after complaints from a local Christian group.
AKP Rejimi gün geçtikçe şuurunu kaybedip yozlaşırken kendi tabanını konsolide edebilmek ve yaptıkları hırsızlık ve ahlaksızlıkları kamufle edebilmek için akla hayale gelmedik yobazlık şovlarıyla tribüne oynamaya devam ediyor; bu defa hedefte "küpe takan erkekler" ve "kadınlara benzemeye çalışan" erkekler var... Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın en hoşlaştığı kurum olan diyanetin başındaki zat "küpe takmak günah mı?" sorunsalına(?) şu şekilde bir fetva ile karşılık veriyor: "Peygamberimiz 'kadınlara benzemeye çalışan erkekler ve erkeklere benzemeye çalışan kadınlar Allah'ın rahmetinden uzak olsun' buyurmuştur. Bu ve benzeri uyarılar sebebiyle İslam alimleri erkeklerin kadınlara özgü takıları takmalarını tahrimen, harama yakın v..