Monday, December 30, 2013
"Essential Progressive Metal Albums

"2013 Best Heavy Metal DVDs

Thursday, December 26, 2013
"Iron Maiden Tracks Down Pirates…. And Gives Them Concerts

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
"Iron Maiden makes millions by touring countries where their music is most pirated

Iron Maiden hired a BitTorrent analytics company called Musicmetric to determine where piracy of their music was highest, then scheduled tours of those countries. They made millions touring Central and South America. Iron Maiden LLP has outperformed the UK music sector as a whole and was named one of the "1000 Companies That Inspire Britain" by the London Stock Exchange.
Monday, December 23, 2013
"Top 20 Heavy Metal Viral Videos of 2013
What do we consider a viral video? A video which isn't necessarily a music video, usually created by a fan, and either makes us laugh or impresses us with talent displayed in the video. We've come across many of these sorts of videos in 2013, but wanted to pick the best of the best for
"Black Metal School Desk Drawings Now Considered Art
Remember all the shitty things you used to draw on your desk at school? We've all done it, and there always used to be that one kid that was really good at it. You were jealous of him too. Now we've got Artist Humberto Casas Junca taking his love of black metal and artistic representation
"International Society Of Heavy Metal Studies...
From what I can gather now that my mind has been sufficiently exploded by the sheer amazement that this is a serious project that exists, the ISMMS is a collective that researches all types metal music and creates an academic discipline out of it. Holy friggin' crap! Above is a video of Dr. Karl Spracklen, a […]
Sunday, December 15, 2013
"Heavy Metal Music and the Communal Experience Conference
It is common to hear metal fans and musicians talk about the "metal community". This concept, which is widely used when referencing metal music, encompasses multiple levels of complexity that are seldom addressed in academic endeavors. When examined in detail, it raises more questions than answers.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
"MEGADETH's Dave Mustaine Is NOT A Republican!
Dave Mustaine has had a relatively good year in terms of no bad PR. Looking back at our coverage of his lunacy, the only truly mind-boggling thing that he said this year was that he did not believe in evolution. Of course, there was that whole time last year when he said he wanted to
Thursday, December 12, 2013
"Metallica Play Antarctica
Metallica successfully crossed their “new frontier” on Saturday when they played in "2013's Best Heavy Metal Albums
Sunday, December 8, 2013
"Remembering Dimebag Darrell, Who Died Tragically 9 Years Ago Today
It's crazy to think it's almost been a decade without "Dimebag" Darrell, one of the greatest shredders to ever live. Dime was taken from us nine years ago today, but his music still lives on stronger than ever. Let's take a moment to remember the greatness that was Dime
Thursday, December 5, 2013
"Female Metal Journalists Turn it Around, Pick 50 Hottest Guys in Metal
Every year, Revolver magazine does a "Hottest Chicks In Metal Hard Rock" issue and it always spurs a bit of controversy. The reasoning is simple: it sells copies of the magazine, so much so, that it's expanded into a yearly calendar. A few of the female metal fans in the scene took notice and decided hey,
"Five Finger Death Punch Interview

Monday, November 25, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
"Megadeth Interview

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
"New Study Says Metalheads Don't Like Religion And Love Being Unique
New Study Says Metalheads Don't Like Religion And Love Being Unique
We've written about a few interesting sociological studies, like studies that show metal makes you happy, loud music makes you want to be intoxicated, and emo haircuts aka the cry-sheild will give you lazy eye, but this one takes the cake. Are you ready to basically read all about yourself? Or get really butthurt?
"25 Songs to Thrash to on National Metal Da
While there's a time and place for moving ballads and soothing soft rock, sometimes you just need to thrash like a maniac to blister-inducing guitar shredding
Today is that day.
In honor of National Metal Day,
Today is that day.
In honor of National Metal Day,
Monday, November 11, 2013
"Metalheads In Alaska Documentary
A short PBS documentary titled I Am A Metalhead | INDIE ALASKA following a veteran and some young guns in the Alaskan metal scene.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
"Joel McIver Interview

"Slayer: Tom Araya Reveals Why Dave Lombardo Left
Slayer frontman Tom Araya has shed some further light on the surprising departure of drummer Dave Lombardo earlier this year.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
"METALLICA On Justin Bieber: "Are we Beliebers? Yes."
The internet might just explode due to this story. Last week, we posted that video of Justin Bieber humming the solo to Metallica's "Fade To Black" and there was mass amounts of butthurt. Metallica themselves were interviewed recently, and I guess the story got back to the interviewer, because they asked Metallica about Bieber, and shocker… James Hetfield says: ...
"10 Metal Songs for Your Halloween Playlist
Heavy metal’s favorite holiday is tomorrow. Whether you’re putting together the soundtrack for a crazy party or just trying to get some songs together to make it through the day at work, it’s time to finalize your Halloween playlist. Of course you HAVE to have the Misfits on there, which is why we gave them
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
"It’s Official: Metallica To Play Antarctica
Metallica have announced the much-speculated news that they’ll be making another bit of history by playing Antarctica this December. Although the way they’re doing it is not exactly, um, straightforward
"5 Horror Movies with Very Metal Cameos
There’s only a few more days ‘til Halloween, and, for many metalheads, this is the time of year when custom horror movie marathons are assembled. Everybody watches the classics like Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Friday the 13th, but it doesn’t hurt to throw in a few obscure movies, too. Don’t be surprised,
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
"Metallica’s Kirk Hammett: “iTunes And Streaming Has Destroyed Music”
Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett has poured more fuel on the never ending internet vs music debate, suggesting that his buddy Lars may have been pretty on the money with the infamous Napster debate back in 2000.
"Reinventing Metal: The True Story Of Pantera... Book Review

Pantera's career is chronicled in Neil Daniels' latest book Reinventing Metal: The True Story of Pantera and the Tragically Short Life of Dimebag Darrell. Daniels spoke with several former band members along with those close to the group for a thorough look at both their musical endeavors and personal relationships. The band's compelling and tragic story is told very well by Daniels.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
"Trivium Interview

"Alter Bridge: “We Don’t Care About Fitting Formats”
We chat to Alter Bridge in our immense current issue, out now, about amazing new album Fortress and the band’s unbelievable rise to being one of the biggest rock ‘n’ roll bands in the world today.
"5 Horror Movies Made Better with Metal
Metal and horror go together like chocolate and peanut butter. They both represent the alluring countercultures of their entertainment niches, and, for whatever reason, there are those of us who need to dabble in forbidden delights that some people avoid or never even discover. When it comes to horror movies, a well-placed metal song may .
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
"Documentary on the Mozambique Metal Scene
When the idea of a metal scene is brought up, we hardly think of countries that don't receive big tours or aren't brought up in conversations in general. Filmographer Leslie Bornstein isn't one of those people and looked into the idea of the metal scene in Mozambique; the results, named Terra Pesada, are amazing. Bornstein
Monday, October 14, 2013
"Ereb Altor Interview

"Metal Music Studies - call for papers
Metal Music Studies is explicitly multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary: embracing both musicological research and music theory about metal music, and social scientific and humanistic research about metal music as a genre. We are interested in original papers on metal music. We aim to receive contributions from researchers and theorists aligned with the subject field of metal music studies, but also researchers and theorists from other disciplines who feel that their interest in a form of popular music marginalizes them from the core debates in their discipline.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
"Red Fang Stream New Album ‘Whales And Leeches’ For Free
Oregon riff monsters Red Fang are streaming their brand new album in full!
"Lemmy On Recent Health Worries: “It Was Nothing. I’m Over It.”
Motörhead icon Lemmy has been typically nonchalant about his recent health issues, insisting that we’ve all been worrying about nothing.
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